C The Calgary Westside Seven great communities to choose from with a brief description of each below and a link to homes for sale there. ASPEN WOODS A much sought after residential neighborhood in the South-West quadrant of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, consisting mostly of residential single family homes, and a limited number of older acreages. Residential Aspen Woods was established as a neighborhood in 2001 on land annexed to the City of Calgary in 1956. COACH HILL A very nice residential neighborhood in the South-West quadrant of Calgary, Alberta. It borders Sarcee Trail to the East, Bow Trail to the South, 69 Street to it's West and Old Banff Coach Road to the North. The community homes are served by the 69th Street C-Train LRT station. Very popular with mid-price and high price range South West home buyers. WEST SPRINGS West Springs Southwest is located at the Western edge of the City. West by the acreages and estate homes of Springbank in the MD of Ro...
Here you will find relevant links and articles including all homes for sale and mortgage information for Calgary Home buyers both Residential Single Family Homes and Rural Acreage Homes for first time buyers and established home buyers. The Search for the Perfect Home Starts Here! Contact us with any questions or market concerns you may have.