Take a look at your “Things” and what makes you hang onto them. Our Attachment to “Things” Many of our things help give us a sense of our own identity. For instance, we may have lots of books that we intend to read. But now with Kindle etc they are just gathering dust. Closets full of clothes that we will never wear, why not send them to one of the Calgary Goodwill centers . Our old furniture that we hang onto, now looks out of place with our new minimal “Look”. Remember the furniture pieces you got from your grandmother? We also might inherent stuff from other family and friends and these “things” can have a powerful hold on us. Many times we can’t let go of them because they’re a link to a person we love. “Things” from our past can take on their own life!. Sometimes we buy things to make ourselves feel better after maybe a bad week, or we buy because we are bored. This is the recipe for a packed home that requires a big investment to keep up. From a cleaning perspecti...
Here you will find relevant links and articles including all homes for sale and mortgage information for Calgary Home buyers both Residential Single Family Homes and Rural Acreage Homes for first time buyers and established home buyers. The Search for the Perfect Home Starts Here! Contact us with any questions or market concerns you may have.